I will share some ideas, terms and a formula which helped me clarify a few of the basic concepts, and refer diligent researchers to the book, "Moonshine Beyond the Monster: The Bridge Connecting Algebra, Modular Forms and Physics". For the right-hemisphere dominant I also rendered some concepts as metaphors.
Koinotely refers to the "common expressive medium", "synetic medium", or "diffeonic potential". It is produced by "unisection".
Isotelesis refers to the "diffeonic relands" or the "actualization" of diffeonic potential. It is produced by "reverse unisection".
If unisection is thought of as the fusion of parts, reverse unisection could be thought of as the fission of "wholes".
Koinotely refers to Conterminality and Isotelesis to Coextensivity, telesis being the common component, the former is concerned with connectivity and coherence while the latter with self-similarity and consistency. The self-similar motif is reminiscent of the flower of life, though with 19 non-overlapping "isotelic" circles (local telors) packed into 1 "koinotelic" circle (syntactic unisect or global telor) which covers them all, the circles and their constructive-filtrative layering can be thought of as spheres or hypersurfaces if you can see it as such, this relates logic with resources (as in the linear logic program uniting logic with linear algebra) or state-syntax duality with the packing-covering duality, where issues like optimization and the conservation of freedom (and information) become relevant. As far as self-determinacy is concerned, the diameter of the larger circle is defined in terms of the smaller circles, and the space for the smaller circles are defined in terms of the larger circle, with each circle being 5 sub-circles wide, and simultaneously/reflexively, the number of circles definable within 1 circle is 19. 19x5=95 represents "teleoplection" or the entanglement of local (isotelic) and global (koinotelic) utility functions, (what is globally optimal is automatically locally optimal due to a property of convex geometry). Teleoplection is a self-dual relation/process (as are Chu Spaces), and is involved in how complexity arises from simplicity from/through self-consistent entanglement (or coherent inner expansion/decoherent requantization of subjective/objective states in syntactic operators). The fractional multiplier 5/19 (koinotely/isotelesis) and/or conversely, 19/5 (isotelesis/koinotely) is representative of the scale invariance and the universality of conspansion. Visually, inscribed in each circle and sub-circle are 19 circles per 5-diameter circle, when/where circles overlap they create new inner expansive domains which add circles or constraints/subtract space or freedom while contracting/expanding as they divide diffeonetically/multiply synetically, with outward inductive and inward deductive processes mirroring each other. So each circle can be considered koinotelic within its own domain, while being isotelic to a higher and/or for a lower level domain. This can be formulated as koinotely(isotelesis)=isotelesis(koinotely). On the left side of the equation, koinotely distributes over isotelesis, acts as the "memory" or model of past/present domains topologically including the right side of the equation, where vice-versa, isotelesis distributes over koinotely, "anticipating" or modeling the "future" as a codomain of the "past/present", it descriptively includes the left side, where abstract potentialities are rescaled as they are actualized in situ.
Some preliminary ideas. Money (or abstractly, "utility" is a means for voluntary exchange which measures how much an "agent" is willing to give up in order to acquire some intrinsic/extrinsic motivator) is like a common denominator which allows for the exchange of values. If "spending/selection power" is thought of as a resource such as "freedom", then in order to be meaningful or useful, it could be subject to the laws of conservation (or global symmetry principles), such as energy, where one has to generate it in order to spend it (according to relative entropy). Although transformations among parts take place at varying scales of resolution, the self-consistency of the whole is maintained. As in the whole number "1", which as a resource may be divided and subdivided. The act of dividing resources is dually the process of multiplying functions, or similarly, the act of subtracting freedoms is dually the process of adding constructions. The whole is adjoined to its parts on all scales, while the parts are relatively disjoint from the whole. While some rules of exchange are reversible, others are not. The current monetary system can be thought of as "Abelian" which means that various dependencies among transactions are not relevant to the value of the outcome. However the paradigm of "non-Abelian money" is also worth considering for certain kinds of transactions (perhaps in triple-bottom line accounting, or mechanism design).
A brief sketch of an economy informed by "spiritual" concepts may be to consider these parts as instead, "letters" or "utils" of an alphabet which form "words" or "entangled utility functions".
Klein Bottle Logophysics:
Moonshine Beyond the Monster: The Bridge Connecting Algebra, Modular Forms and Physics
In mathematics, a bialgebra over a field K is a vector space over K which is both a unital associative algebra and a coalgebra, such that the algebraic- and coalgebraic structure satisfy certain compatibility relations. Specifically, the comultiplication and the counit are both unital algebra homomorphisms, or equivalently, that the multiplication and the unit of the algebra both be coalgebra morphisms. These statements are equivalent in that they are expressed by the same commutative diagrams. A bialgebra homomorphism is a linear map that is both an algebra and a coalgebra homomorphism.
ReplyDeleteAs reflected in the symmetry of the commutative diagrams, the definition of bialgebra is self-dual, so if one can define a dual of B (which is always possible if B is finite-dimensional), then it is automatically a bialgebra.
The "compatibility relations" of bialgebras could be useful in modeling ranking of preferences or "types" in mechanism design theory, however rather than using "types", employing extensive sorts (scaled or weighted "utility") and intensive properties (scale-invariant or didense topoalgebras). Lambek's pregroups and their grammar have left/right adjoints, similar to Space-Time-Object Triality in the CTMU, which gets into automorphism groups which somehow relates (still trying to understand how) finite algebraicity and infinite modularity.